June 4, 2005

Motorcycle Diaries

Today we toured the island of Ko Chang on motorbikes. We had breakfast with the English couple we met last night, then rented the bikes and headed for a waterfall. The "waterfall" was only one meter high. (We were later told we missed the real one.) Since it's the rainy season, it rains daily in the afternoon. We were lucky to find shelter in someone's house. They were having a karaoke party, so we had to sing a couple songs. We sang Madonna's La Isla Bonita and You've Got It by Roy Orbison. Then they sang songs in Thai for us, and we learned some Thai dance moves. They offered us whisky and soda and lots of different fruits. I've tried more strange fruits today--lychee, mungkood and some prickly fruit with these giant seeds in the center that you eat. I don't even know the name, but it tasted like squash to me. After the rain stopped, we continued around the island. We were craving coffee, and Lisa spotted an espresso machine from the road, so we stopped. The barista was an interesting guy named Palm who acted as a DJ for us playing music we requested. He told us about a good place for dancing, so that is where we're going tonight, and he's going to meet us there. We like the motorbikes so much we're keeping them for another day. They only cost 200 baht a day to rent (about $5)--less than the cost of the pizza Arti and Lisa ate for dinner last night.

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